The article highlights the advantages of applying the credit system to improve the quality of education in the higher education system, the features of the credit system in education. At the same time, the credit systems of existing advanced foreign countries are fully disclosed, and at the same time, extensive coverage and comparative analysis of examples of advanced foreign experience in the credit system has been carried out. The advantages and problems of using the credit system in TUIT and its branches are described.
Мақолада олий таълим тизимида таълим сифатини оширишда кредит тизимини қўллаш афзалликлари, таълимда кредит тизимининг хусусиятлари ўрганилган. Шу билан бирга хорижий давлатлардаги мавжуд кредит тизими батафсил очиб берилган, кредит тизимидаги илғор хорижий тажрибалар мисоллар билан кенг ѐритилган ва қиѐсий таҳлил қилинган. Кредит тизимини ТАТУ ва унинг филиалларида қўллашда мавжуд афзалликлари ва муаммолари баѐн этилган.
В статье рассматривается преимущество применения кредитной системы для повышения качества образования в системе высшего образования и изучены особенности кредитной системы в образовании. Вместе с этим полностью раскрыты кредитные системы существующих передовых зарубежных стран и в то же время был проведен обширный охват и сравнительный анализ примеров передового зарубежного опыта в кредитной системе. Описаны преимущества и проблемы использования кредитной системы в ТУИТ и его филиалах.
The article highlights the advantages of applying the credit system to improve the quality of education in the higher education system, the features of the credit system in education. At the same time, the credit systems of existing advanced foreign countries are fully disclosed, and at the same time, extensive coverage and comparative analysis of examples of advanced foreign experience in the credit system has been carried out. The advantages and problems of using the credit system in TUIT and its branches are described.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Allamuratov S.Z. | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Nukus branch, Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi | Nukus branch |
2 | Djoldasbayeva A.B. | Teacher, Nukus branch, Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi | Tashkent University of Information Technology named after |
3 | Daniyarova R.S. | High school math teacher number 12 Nukus, Uzbekistan. | Nukus |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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5 | Bologna Declaration ―On the European Higher Education Region‖, Bologna, Italy, 1999. |
6 | Gancherenok, I.I. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) - European Standard in Higher Education // Proceedings of the meeting "Problems of introducing the credit system of higher professional education."-M:PSCC,2006 |
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9 |; University of Lincolnshire |
10 |; FEDA National Credit Network |