The article describes the primary research study about rubrics which are an established practice for effective writing instruction and assessment practice, through understanding exactly what the research says and how findings may be applied in a classroom setting are important for maximum effectiveness. This article discusses recent findings, and then provides information of research-based activities in terms of data collection, research sampling, and instruments.

  • Ўқишлар сони 472
  • Нашр санаси 09-10-2018
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони6

The article describes the primary research study about rubrics which are an established practice for effective writing instruction and assessment practice, through understanding exactly what the research says and how findings may be applied in a classroom setting are important for maximum effectiveness. This article discusses recent findings, and then provides information of research-based activities in terms of data collection, research sampling, and instruments.


Мақола илмий ишни рукнлар орқали ёритишда ёзма нутқни самарали ўстириш, ҳамда баҳолаш мезонларини қўллашни куриб чиқади. Шунингдек, уларнинг аҳамиятини шу кунгача олиб борилган илмий иш топилмалари орқали тушунтириб берилади. Илмий иш жараёнида бажарилган ишлар (маълумот тўплаш, илмий иш иштирокчилари ва илимй иш инструментлари) ҳақида кенг мулоҳаза юритилади.


В статье описывается первичное научное исследование по рубрикам, широко признанных в практике как эффективной инстукции по письменности, так и практике оценивания знаний обучаемых. Это достигается путем понимания того, что говорится в исследовании, а также как результаты могут быть применены в аудитории и что важно для максимальной эффективности. В статье обсуждаются недавние результаты исследований, даётся информация о научно-обоснованных мероприятиях с точки зрения сбора данных, выборки исследования и его инструментов.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Akhmadjonov K. . English Language Teacher University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Ҳавола номи
1 Andrade, H.G. (2000). Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership, Feb, p. 13-18
2 Bacha, N.N. (2002). Testing Writing in the EFL Classroom: Student Expectation. English Teaching Forum, p. 14-19
3 Becker, A. (2016). Student-generated scoring rubrics: Examining their formative value for improving ESL students’ writing performance. Assessing Writing, 29, p. 15–24
4 Crusan, D. (2015). Dance, ten; looks, three: Why rubrics matter. Assessing Writing, 26, p. 1–4, Editorial
5 Cynthia S. Wiseman. (2012). A Comparison of the Performance of Analytic vs. Holistic Scoring Rubrics to Assess L2 Writing. Iranian Journal of Language Testing, Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 59–92
6 Dukhayel M. Aldukhayel. (2017). Exploring Students’ Perspectives toward Clarity and Familiarity of Writing Scoring Rubrics: The Case of Saudi EFL Students. English Language teaching, 10, p. 1–10
7 East, M. Cushing, S. (2016). Innovation in rubric use: Exploring different dimensions. Assessing Writing, 30, p. 1–2, Editorial
8 Ene, E, Kosobucki, V. (2016). Rubrics and corrective feedback in ESL writing: A longitudinal case study of an L2 writer. Assessing Writing, 30, p. 3–20
9 Li, J, Lindsey, P. (2015). Understanding variations between student and teacher application of rubrics. Assessing Writing, 26, p. 67–79
10 Wang, W. (2014). Students’ perceptions of rubric-referenced peer feedback on EFL writing: A longitudinal inquiry. Assessing Writing, 19, p. 80–96