The article discusses the results of application of interactive ways of training «brain storming» and «the academic polemic» in a subject of propaedeutic of internal illnesses are resulted. The interactive way of training «brain storming» promoted primary perfection I (acquaintance) and II (copy) levels of knowledge. At the same time the knowledge received by means of educational game «the academic polemic», was much more perfect and corresponded - III (knowledge-ability), and even IV (knowledge - transformation) to levels. That on a course of carrying out of educational-clinical game - «the academic polemic» the potential of analytical thinking was much fast integrated that is important and at the same time distinctive superiority of the given way of training is remarkable.

  • Ўқишлар сони 402
  • Нашр санаси 01-01-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони83

Ushbu maqola ichki kasalliklar propedevtikasi bo'yicha "miya bo'roni" va "akademik polemika" ni o'qitishning interaktiv usullaridan foydalanish natijalarini taqdim etadi. "Miya bo'roni" ni o'rganishning interaktiv yo'li asosan I (tanishish) va II (nusxa) bilim darajasini yaxshilashga yordam berdi. Shu bilan birga, "akademik polemika" ta'lim o'yinlari orqali erishilgan bilimlar juda ham mukammal va III (bilim-malaka), hatto IV (bilim-transformatsiya) darajalariga mos. O'quv-klinik o'yin davomida "akademik polemika" analitik fikrlashning salohiyatini ancha tezroq kuchaytirdi, bu esa ushbu o'qitish uslubining muhim va ayni paytda o'ziga xos ustunligi hisoblanadi.


В настоящей работе приводятся результаты применения интерактивных способов обучения «мозговой штурм» и «академическая полемика» по предмету пропедевтики внутренних болезней. Интерактивный способ обучения «мозговой штурм» способствовал преимущественному совершенствованию I(знакомство) и II (копия) уровней знания. В то же время знания, полученные с помощью учебной игры «академическая полемика», были гораздо более совершенными и соответствовали – III (знание-умение), а то и IV (знание - трансформация) уровням. Примечательным является то, что по ходу проведения учебно-клинической игры- «академическая полемика» гораздо быстрее укреплял потенциал аналитического мышления, что является важным и в то же время отличительным превосходством данного способа обучения.


The article discusses the results of application of interactive ways of training «brain storming» and «the academic polemic» in a subject of propaedeutic of internal illnesses are resulted. The interactive way of training «brain storming» promoted primary perfection I (acquaintance) and II (copy) levels of knowledge. At the same time the knowledge received by means of educational game «the academic polemic», was much more perfect and corresponded - III (knowledge-ability), and even IV (knowledge - transformation) to levels. That on a course of carrying out of educational-clinical game - «the academic polemic» the potential of analytical thinking was much fast integrated that is important and at the same time distinctive superiority of the given way of training is remarkable.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Abdullaeva U.K. Junior researcher Bukhara
2 Mirzaeva D.B. assistant Uzbekistan
3 Boboeva .R. Junior researcher Bukhara
Ҳавола номи