The article analyzes the role of the library as the basis of a person’s spiritual wealth. In particular, on the basis of archival sources and scientific literature, it is told about the libraries that operated in Movarounnahr and Khorasan during the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids, information is given about the book storage system for that period, the rules for using the book fund ..As the author emphasizes, Amir Temur founded a library with a large fund in Shakhrisabz, then in the palace in Samarkand. For replenishment, people were sent all over Movarounnahr in order to buy out the best works of authors from booksellers, owners of private libraries. Books in the original language were considered to be of particular value – more than ten languages ​​brought from Iran, Turkey, India, Iraq, Armenia, from the cities of the ancient culture of Istanbul, Bruss, Isfahan, Hamadan, Sheroz, Baghdad, Basra …

  • Ўқишлар сони 119
  • Нашр санаси 30-03-2021
  • Мақола тилиO'zbek
  • Саҳифалар сони75-77
Калит сўзлар

The article analyzes the role of the library as the basis of a person’s spiritual wealth. In particular, on the basis of archival sources and scientific literature, it is told about the libraries that operated in Movarounnahr and Khorasan during the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids, information is given about the book storage system for that period, the rules for using the book fund ..As the author emphasizes, Amir Temur founded a library with a large fund in Shakhrisabz, then in the palace in Samarkand. For replenishment, people were sent all over Movarounnahr in order to buy out the best works of authors from booksellers, owners of private libraries. Books in the original language were considered to be of particular value – more than ten languages ​​brought from Iran, Turkey, India, Iraq, Armenia, from the cities of the ancient culture of Istanbul, Bruss, Isfahan, Hamadan, Sheroz, Baghdad, Basra …

Калит сўзлар

В статье на основе архивных источников и научной литературы рассказывается о библиотеках, действовавших в Мовароуннахре и Хорасане в годы правления Амир Темура и Темуридов, дается информация о системе хранения книг на тот период, правилах пользования книжным фондом… Амир Темур основал библиотеку с большим фондом в Шахрисабзе, затем и во дворце в Самарканде. Для пополнения по всему Мовароуннахру отправлялись люди в целях выкупа лучших произведений авторов у книготорговцев, владельцев частных библиотек. Особой ценностью считались книги на языке оригинала – более десяти языках, привезенные из Ирана, Турции, Индии,Ирака, Армении, из городов древней культуры Стамбула, Брусса, Исфахана, Хамадана, Шероза, Багдада, Басры…

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