The article deals with the illustration of the first statehood history in Khorezm oasis in modern historiography. There were analyzed ideas and comments of historian scientists on the issue.
Встатье рассмотрена иллюстрация истории первого государства в Хорезме в современном историографии. И проанализированы идеи и комментарии учѐных истории
Мақолада Хоразм воҳасида илк давлатчилик тарихининг ҳозирги замон тарихшунослигида ѐритилиши қараб чиқилган. Бу борада тарихчи олимларнинг фикр ва изоҳлари таҳлил қилинган.
The article deals with the illustration of the first statehood history in Khorezm oasis in modern historiography. There were analyzed ideas and comments of historian scientists on the issue.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Abdullayev U.I. | PhD. Associate Professor of History Department | UrDU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1. Tomaschek W. Central asiatische Studien. – Wien, 1877. – 187 s. |
2 | 2. ТоlstovS.P. Main Issues of Ancient History of Central Asia.//. – М., 1938. № 1. – P. 176-203. |
3 | 3. Markvart I. Wehrot und Arang. – Leiden, 1938. – S. 9-10. |
4 | 4. ТоlstovS.P. Ancient Khorezm. – М.: МГУ, 1948. – P. 341. |
5 | 5. Тоlstov S.P. Searching for the Civilization of Ancient Khorezm. – М. – L.:, 1948. – P. 103-104. |