• Ўқишлар сони 509
  • Нашр санаси 03-05-2021
  • Мақола тилиO'zbek
  • Саҳифалар сони31-32
Калит сўзлар

In primary potato seed growing, pre-planting cutting of seed tubers weighing 100-150 grams helps to increase the reproductive rate of healthy tubers. In this case, it is required to take measures to protect them from being infected by viruses.

Калит сўзлар
Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Normurodov D.. қ./х.ф.д., доцент СамДУ
2 Ergashev I.. қ./х.ф.д., профессор СамВМИ
Ҳавола номи
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3 3. Ergashev I.T., Begimqulov.I.B. Razzokov J. Oblakulov F. Scaintific hyotesis “Variety and population in agrobiocenosis of potatoes” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilation. ISSN:1475-7192. Page No. 4638-4641
4 4. Ergashev I.T., Begimqulov.I.B. The importance of choosing potato varieties in obtaining starch. International Journal of Innovations in Enjineering Research and Technology. Volume 7. ISSUE 5. May 2020 edition ISSN:2394-3696. Page No. 315-317.