A review of the literature on the study of terminology began long before its scientific comprehension and the development of criteria for the attribution of certain units to terminological vocabulary. As noted by M.A. Chigashev, these processes took place isomorphically to the spontaneous emergence and evolution of denotations and their corresponding concepts, and on the basis of the general literary language, which allows us to consider the terminology exactly as part of its lexical-semantic system

  • Ўқишлар сони 31
  • Нашр санаси 21-03-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони1864-1868

A review of the literature on the study of terminology began long before its scientific comprehension and the development of criteria for the attribution of certain units to terminological vocabulary. As noted by M.A. Chigashev, these processes took place isomorphically to the spontaneous emergence and evolution of denotations and their corresponding concepts, and on the basis of the general literary language, which allows us to consider the terminology exactly as part of its lexical-semantic system

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Avezimbetova A.. teacher Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
2 Ibraimova Z.. teacher Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Ҳавола номи
1 1.Fisher B. Perspectives on Human Communication. No. 4. Macmillian. 1978.402 p.
2 2. Stepanov Yu.S. Semantics. - Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1990
3 3. Valgina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. 6th ed. - M .: "Logos", 2002.
4 4.Djumanova, B. (2021). ENHANCING CRITICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS IN CURRICULUM. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(2), 1007-1011.
5 5.Djumanova, B. O. (2019). THE PROBLEMS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN THE PRIMARY CLASSES. The Issues of Language, Literature and History, (1), 158-159.
6 6. Бабажанова, К., & Авезимбетова, А. (2020). Listening exercises as audio materials in developing listening skills. Муғаллим ҳәм үзликсиз билимлендириу, 6, 30-34.
7 7. Бабажанова, К. И. (2016). Инглис тилинин сөзлик курылысы сөз жасалыў усылларынын әҳмийети. Замонавий тилшунослик ва адабиётшуносликнинг долзарб масалалари, 156-160.
8 8. Бабажанова, К. И. (2017). Predloglardi salistirmali tu‟rde u‟yreniw ha‟m sabaq protssesinde paydalaniw jollari. Муғаллим ҳәм үзликсиз билимлендириу, 6, 4-8
9 9. Бабажанова, К. И. (2018). Басланғыш класс шет тили сабақларында ойынлардан пайдаланыўдың нәтийжелиги. Шет тиллерин изертлеўдиң актуал мәселелери, 141-148
10 10. Бабажанова, К. И. (2019). Актуальность проблемного обучения на уроках английского языка. Филологические исследования, 125-128
11 11. Babadjanova, N. K. (2021). Controversial Issues on Translation. Tilshunoslikdagi zamonaviy yo„nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar, 206-207