There are many studies that touch on the cultural metaphor and the research is categorized into seven aspects, namely the Traditional Metaphorical Study, the Comprehensive Metaphorical Study, the Special Metaphorical Study, the Non-Special Metaphorical Study, the Cross-Cultural Metaphorical Study, the Animal Metaphorical Study and the Uzbek Metaphorical Study. Each of these categories will be elaborated in detail in the nextsection to identify what problems arise from these studies to be the basis of this study.

  • Ўқишлар сони 97
  • Нашр санаси 21-03-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони/722-727

There are many studies that touch on the cultural metaphor and the research is categorized into seven aspects, namely the Traditional Metaphorical Study, the Comprehensive Metaphorical Study, the Special Metaphorical Study, the Non-Special Metaphorical Study, the Cross-Cultural Metaphorical Study, the Animal Metaphorical Study and the Uzbek Metaphorical Study. Each of these categories will be elaborated in detail in the nextsection to identify what problems arise from these studies to be the basis of this study.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Yuldashev A.A. PhD, Department of Foreign Languages Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent region
Ҳавола номи
1 1. Kövecses, Z. (2017). Conceptual metaphor theory. The Routledge handbook of metaphor and language, 13-27
2 2. Fauconnier, G., & Lakoff, G. (2009). On metaphor and blending. Cognitive Semiotics, 5(1-2), 393-399.
3 3. Ho-Abdullah, I. (2011). Analisis kognitif semantik peribahasa Melayu bersumberkan anjing (canis familiaris). GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 11(1)
4 4. Yuldashev, A. A. (2020). Animal metaphor proverbs in Uzbek and Malay cross– culture. Science and Education, 1(Special Issue 2)
5 5. Yuldashev, A. A. (2020). Dog Conception and Construction Metaphor in Malay and Uzbek Culture. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 1 (3), 1294-1299