In this work, a biodegradable graft copolymer based on linear low density polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride and gelatin (LLDPE-g-MA/Gel) was formed by reactive mixing of functionalized polyethylene with gelatin to achieve finely dispersed blend morphology. Using a selection of components of the mixture, we’d studied its morphology and thermal properties. It was found that thermal stability (initial temperature) of the composition decreases as the amount of gelatin increases due to degradation of gelatin. In the temperature range of 400-500 ºC, the maximum rate of destruction of the graft copolymer increases significantly with higher gelatin content. Samples having identical composition were selected using a Brabender plastograph and a mechanical mixer; and when taken at different rates, the morphological structure of the samples was determined to depend on their mixing rate. The morphological structure was found to show that increased speed leads to effective reaction of two components and crushing of particles into smaller ones.

  • Ўқишлар сони 187
  • Нашр санаси 15-08-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони37-44

Ushbu maqolada nozik disperslangan aralashma morfologiyasiga erishish uchun funksionallashtirilgan polietilenni jelatin bilan reaktiv aralashtirishda chiziqli past zichlikli polietilen payvandlangan maleik angidrid va jelatin (LLDPE-g-MA/Gel) asosida bioparchalanuvchi payvand sopolimeri hosil qilish jarayoni yoritilgan. Aralashmaning tarkibiy qismlarini tanlash yordamida uning morfologiyasi va termal xususiyatlari o‘rganildi. Jelatin degradatsiyasi tufayli uning miqdori oshgani sayin kompozitsiyaning termal barqarorligi (dastlabki harorat) pasayishi aniqlandi. 400–500ºC harorat oralig‘ida jelatin miqdori ortishi bilan payvand sopolimerining parchalanish tezligi sezilarli darajada oshadi. Xuddi shu tarkibdagi namunalar Brabender plastografi va mexanik aralashtirgich yordamida olindi va namunalarning morfologik tuzilishi ularning aralashtirish tezligiga qarab aniqlandi. Morfologik tuzilishiga ko‘ra, tezlik ortib borishi ikki komponentning samarali reaksiyaga kirishishi va zarralarning kichrayishiga olib keladi.


В этой работе биоразлагаемый привитой сополимер на основе линейного полиэтилена низкой плотности с привитым малеиновым ангидридом и желатином (LLDPE-g-MA/Gel) был получен путем реактивного смешивания функционализированного полиэтилена с желатином для достижения мелкодисперсной морфологии смеси. С помощью подбора компонентов смеси изучены ее морфология и термогравиметрические свойства. Установлено, что термостабильность (начальная температура) композиции снижается по мере увеличения количества желатина за счет его деградации. В интервале температур 400–500 ºС с увеличением содержания желатина максимальная скорость разрушения привитого сополимера значительно возрастает. Образцы одинакового состава отбирали с помощью пластографа Брабендера, механической мешалки, определяли морфологическую структуру образцов в зависимости от скорости их перемешивания. По морфологической структуре было установлено, что увеличение скорости приводит к эффективной реакции двух компонентов и дроблению частиц на более мелкие.


In this work, a biodegradable graft copolymer based on linear low density polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride and gelatin (LLDPE-g-MA/Gel) was formed by reactive mixing of functionalized polyethylene with gelatin to achieve finely dispersed blend morphology. Using a selection of components of the mixture, we’d studied its morphology and thermal properties. It was found that thermal stability (initial temperature) of the composition decreases as the amount of gelatin increases due to degradation of gelatin. In the temperature range of 400-500 ºC, the maximum rate of destruction of the graft copolymer increases significantly with higher gelatin content. Samples having identical composition were selected using a Brabender plastograph and a mechanical mixer; and when taken at different rates, the morphological structure of the samples was determined to depend on their mixing rate. The morphological structure was found to show that increased speed leads to effective reaction of two components and crushing of particles into smaller ones.

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