Under our supervision there were 60 patients with carpal canal stenosis who received conservative treatment in the emergency traumatology department of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Khorezm Branch Family doctors clinic, Tashkent. Of these, there are 26 men, 34 women. At the age of 30 – 40 years – 17 patients, 41-50 years – 19 patients, 51-60 years – 18 patients and 61 and above years – 6 patients. The patients were divided into 2 groups: The main group was 30 patients, treated according to the method we developed using platelet-rich plasma. The control group received treatment using traditional methods using glucocorticosteroids. The treatment results showed an improvement in performance when using PRP therapy in the main group up to 93.5 %, compared to the control group up to 73%.

  • Ўқишлар сони 94
  • Нашр санаси 15-01-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони16-24

Under our supervision there were 60 patients with carpal canal stenosis who received conservative treatment in the emergency traumatology department of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Khorezm Branch Family doctors clinic, Tashkent. Of these, there are 26 men, 34 women. At the age of 30 – 40 years – 17 patients, 41-50 years – 19 patients, 51-60 years – 18 patients and 61 and above years – 6 patients. The patients were divided into 2 groups: The main group was 30 patients, treated according to the method we developed using platelet-rich plasma. The control group received treatment using traditional methods using glucocorticosteroids. The treatment results showed an improvement in performance when using PRP therapy in the main group up to 93.5 %, compared to the control group up to 73%.

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