This article delves into the critical issue of dental mortality prevention, shedding light on its contemporary relevance. Dental mortality, often overshadowed by other health concerns, presents a significant and preventable public health challenge. By exploring the factors contributing to dental mortality, the article highlights the importance of oral health education, access to dental care, and early intervention in averting dental-related deaths. It underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to address this overlooked yet impactful problem.

  • Ўқишлар сони 50
  • Нашр санаси 26-03-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони186-190

This article delves into the critical issue of dental mortality prevention, shedding light on its contemporary relevance. Dental mortality, often overshadowed by other health concerns, presents a significant and preventable public health challenge. By exploring the factors contributing to dental mortality, the article highlights the importance of oral health education, access to dental care, and early intervention in averting dental-related deaths. It underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to address this overlooked yet impactful problem.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Isomov M.. !! Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ҳавола номи
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