Navoi promotes the idea of friendship of peoples through the characters of Farhad, Shirin and Shapur. Farhad's love for the Armenian girl Shirin and his friendship with Shapur from Iran are a vivid example of the idea of friendship between peoples. Narrating the bravery of Navoi Farhad in an artistic way, he combines his services to the prosperity and peace of the country, people's well-being and science in deep verses.
Navoi promotes the idea of friendship of peoples through the characters of Farhad, Shirin and Shapur. Farhad's love for the Armenian girl Shirin and his friendship with Shapur from Iran are a vivid example of the idea of friendship between peoples. Narrating the bravery of Navoi Farhad in an artistic way, he combines his services to the prosperity and peace of the country, people's well-being and science in deep verses.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Makhmudova O.T. | teacher | FarDU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | Alisher Navoiy. Farhod va Shirin. WWW.Ziyo kutubxonasi. Alisher Navoiy. Farhod va Shirin / A.Hojiahmedov. – Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2015. – 80 b. M.O.Tokhirjonovna. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT IN ONTOGENESIS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN // Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 5, 375-379. M.O.Takhirjonovna . TYPES OF LEXICAL MEANING ACCORDING TO THE FORMATION // Open Access Repository 4 (3), 1065-1070. U.N.Rustamovna, M.O.Toxirjonovna. Polysemy-Semantic Universal // International Journal of Culture and Modernity 14, 11-15 478 AMERICAN Journal of Language, Literacy and Learning in STEM Education www. Maxmudova. FORMATION OF THE LEXICAL MEANING OF A WORD INTO A DEVIRATIVE // Science and Innovation 1 (6), 171-176. O. Maxmudova. OZBEK TILSHUNOSLIGIDA BO‘G‘IN VA UNING TIPLARI YUZASIDAN OLIB BORILGAN IZLANISHLAR // OLIY VA O‘RTA MAXSUS TA’LIM VAZIRLIGI FARG‘ONA DAVLAT UNIVERSITETI 105. M.O.Tokhirjonovna. Semantics of the Word in Children's Speech // International Journal of Culture and Modernity 17, 267-273. Maxmudova. SOZ TURKUMLARINI TASNIFLASHDA INTERFAOL METODLARDAN UNUMLI FOYDALANISH JARAYONIDA KOMPETENSIYAVIY USULLARNING QOLLANISHI // In " ONLINE-CONFERENCES" PLATFORM, 219-224. Toxirjonovna. ONA TILINI ORGANISHDA ZAMONAVIY TEXNOLOGIYALAR ORQALI TALABALARDA VATANPARVARLIK RUHINI SHAKLLANTIRISH // INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN THE GLOBAL SCIENCE 1 (5), 81-87 . Maxmudova.TURKIY SO‘ZLARDA O‘ZAK MORFEMA TUSHUNCHASI // Journal of Integrated Education and Research 1 (6), 52-54. Maxmudova. СЎЗ ЛЕКСИК МАЪНОСИНИНГ ҲОСИЛА МАЪНО ЮЗАГА КЕЛТИРИШИ // Science and innovation 1 (B6), 171-176. |