Exudative otitis media is one of the most common diseases in children, the acute process becomes protracted. Among acute inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, a special place is occupied by exudative otitis media. Under the influence of various factors, it can become chronic, and also lead to hearing loss with subsequent defects in the formation of speech and intelligence of the child. Exudative otitis media in children is one of the urgent problems of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

  • Ўқишлар сони 99
  • Нашр санаси 01-04-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони84-86

Exudative otitis media is one of the most common diseases in children, the acute process becomes protracted. Among acute inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, a special place is occupied by exudative otitis media. Under the influence of various factors, it can become chronic, and also lead to hearing loss with subsequent defects in the formation of speech and intelligence of the child. Exudative otitis media in children is one of the urgent problems of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

Ҳавола номи
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