This article puts forward the idea that it is possible to increase and further strengthen the student's interest in history through modern information technologies, in particular, about modern educational pedagogy and increasing the effectiveness of the museum excursion educational process in history education. cited. Information, enrichment with modern techniques, and their usefulness to the student are emphasized
This article puts forward the idea that it is possible to increase and further strengthen the student's interest in history through modern information technologies, in particular, about modern educational pedagogy and increasing the effectiveness of the museum excursion educational process in history education. cited. Information, enrichment with modern techniques, and their usefulness to the student are emphasized
Mazkur maqola zamonaviy axborot texnalogiyalari orqali tarix faniga o‘quvchining qiziqishini oshirish va yanada mustahkamlash mumkin ekanligini g‘oyalari ilgari surgan bo‘lib, hususan zamonoviy ta’lim pedagogikasi hamda tarix ta’limida muzey ekskursiya ta’lim jarayonini samaradorligini oshirish haqida ham keltirib o‘tilgan. Axborotlashtirish, zamonaviy texnika bilan boyitish va ularning o‘quvchiga foydali ekanligi ta’kidlangan
В данной с татье в ыдвигаются и деи о т ом, ч то с п омощью современных информационных технологий можно повысить и еще больше укрепить интерес читателя к исторической науке, в частности, о современной образовательной педагогике и повышении эффективности музейно-экскурсионного образовательного процесса в историческом образовании. Отмечается информатизация, обогащение современными методиками и их полезность для читателя
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1 | Tilabjonova S.S. | Student | Chirchik State Pedagogical University History |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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