The study of proverbs extends beyond language to reveal the underlying thought processes and worldviews of different societies. Analyzing proverbs allows us to explore how cultures use language to convey complex ideas and traditional wisdom in concise, memorable forms. By examining proverbs across different languages which belonged to various language families, we can uncover both shared and unique cultural themes and cognitive frameworks.This study delves into the fascinating realm of proverbs, specifically focusing on those found in the English and Uzbek languages. These two languages belong to distinct language families and cultural traditions, offering a richopportunity to explore the similarities and differences in how proverbs are used and understood
The study of proverbs extends beyond language to reveal the underlying thought processes and worldviews of different societies. Analyzing proverbs allows us to explore how cultures use language to convey complex ideas and traditional wisdom in concise, memorable forms. By examining proverbs across different languages which belonged to various language families, we can uncover both shared and unique cultural themes and cognitive frameworks.This study delves into the fascinating realm of proverbs, specifically focusing on those found in the English and Uzbek languages. These two languages belong to distinct language families and cultural traditions, offering a richopportunity to explore the similarities and differences in how proverbs are used and understood
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Isakova Z.. | PhD | Kokand University |
2 | Abdulmalikova M.. | student | Kokand University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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