In 21st century, technology covered most of the segments of market, some ride-sharing companies made a turnaround in the taxi industry by the help of dynamic pricing system. This paper studies how Uber company attracting U.S. customers to work with them, moreover, how the surge pricing is influencing these processes. And also in paper, observed, how many driver-partners worked on the Uber platform and categorize them into particular groups according to their behavior types. And regular data of each the driver-partners from day they started work and quit or continued the work, the reasons why they worked in particular period, and why they made the Uber platform as their choice. And Uber has different services for both consumers and customers and some of them don’t use dynamic pricing system and so the reason is they try to give maximum comfort for its driver-partners. The Benenson Survey Group’s research work’s data is used in terms of show how attractive Uber platform

  • Ўқишлар сони 112
  • Нашр санаси 01-09-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони20-26

In 21st century, technology covered most of the segments of market, some ride-sharing companies made a turnaround in the taxi industry by the help of dynamic pricing system. This paper studies how Uber company attracting U.S. customers to work with them, moreover, how the surge pricing is influencing these processes. And also in paper, observed, how many driver-partners worked on the Uber platform and categorize them into particular groups according to their behavior types. And regular data of each the driver-partners from day they started work and quit or continued the work, the reasons why they worked in particular period, and why they made the Uber platform as their choice. And Uber has different services for both consumers and customers and some of them don’t use dynamic pricing system and so the reason is they try to give maximum comfort for its driver-partners. The Benenson Survey Group’s research work’s data is used in terms of show how attractive Uber platform

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1 Ulugbekov D.. ! !!
2 Murtaza H.. Supervisor !!
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1 1.https://therideshareguy.com/how-many-uber-drivers-areaccessed in 2021 April.2.https://www.uber.com/newsroom/getting-drivers-back-on-the-road, accessed in 2021 April.3.Congressional Budget Office report “Factors Affecting the Labor Force Participation of People Ages 25 to 54” 20184.Camerer, Colin; Linda Babcock; George Loewenstein; and Richard Thaler,“Labor Supply of New York City Cabdrivers: One Day at a Time,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 (May 1997), pp. 407 –441.5.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, U.S. law.6.https://uberexpansion.com/what-is-uber-black7.Accessed in 2021 April.8.Jonathan Hall and Alan Krueger “An Analysis of the Labor Market for Uber’s Driver-Partners in the United States” January 22, 20159.Dynamic Pricing in a Labor Market: Surge Pricing and Flexible Work on the Uber Platform M. Keith Chen and Michael Sheldon December 11, 201510.Nikhil Garg and Hamid Nazerzadeh “Driver Surge Pricing” March 9, 2021.11.https://www.uber.com/us/en/u/right-to-move, accessed in March 23, 202112.Benenson Survey Group (BSG). “Survey of Uberdriver-partners.” Internal Survey. December 2014. 13.http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2021/ICICWS2021.html