The article discusses the beginning of the New Uzbek Renaissance era, associated with the development of national culture, traditions, and values. The author emphasizes the importance of books and libraries in forming national spiritual consciousness and provides examples of support for libraries and young readers from President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The article also describes the historical role of the Jadids in the development of education and enlightenment in Turkestan, their efforts to establish new schools, libraries, and publish textbooks. Examples of prominent figures such as Ismail Gasprinsky and Obidjon Mahmudov, who significantly contributed to the development of national education and culture, are provided. The author notes the importance of economic independence and the role of the Jadids in the struggle for political and cultural independence of Turkestan
The article discusses the beginning of the New Uzbek Renaissance era, associated with the development of national culture, traditions, and values. The author emphasizes the importance of books and libraries in forming national spiritual consciousness and provides examples of support for libraries and young readers from President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The article also describes the historical role of the Jadids in the development of education and enlightenment in Turkestan, their efforts to establish new schools, libraries, and publish textbooks. Examples of prominent figures such as Ismail Gasprinsky and Obidjon Mahmudov, who significantly contributed to the development of national education and culture, are provided. The author notes the importance of economic independence and the role of the Jadids in the struggle for political and cultural independence of Turkestan
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Topildiyev O.R. | PhD | Namangan state university |
2 | Voxobova U.. | student | Namangan state university |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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