Dentistry is one of the most dynamically developing medical sciences. New concepts and approaches to providing dental care and conducting comprehensive diagnostics of dental diseases are presented annually at scientific congresses and conferences at various levels. However, a number of traditional methods and approaches to complex diagnostics of the dental system remain relevant to this day. The presented article is devoted to assessing the relevance and practical application of occlusiography techniques inelderly patients with dentition defects of varying extent
Dentistry is one of the most dynamically developing medical sciences. New concepts and approaches to providing dental care and conducting comprehensive diagnostics of dental diseases are presented annually at scientific congresses and conferences at various levels. However, a number of traditional methods and approaches to complex diagnostics of the dental system remain relevant to this day. The presented article is devoted to assessing the relevance and practical application of occlusiography techniques inelderly patients with dentition defects of varying extent
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Normatov .A. | Assistant | Andijan State Medical Institute |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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