The article discusses the issue of increasing the effectiveness of teaching the Russian language in non-philological universities. It also describes innovative methods and approaches to teaching in Russian during training. Opportunities to empower teachers with respect to modern teaching methods are identified to identify the key components necessary to implement this model of teaching students Russian as a foreign language in a university setting
The article discusses the issue of increasing the effectiveness of teaching the Russian language in non-philological universities. It also describes innovative methods and approaches to teaching in Russian during training. Opportunities to empower teachers with respect to modern teaching methods are identified to identify the key components necessary to implement this model of teaching students Russian as a foreign language in a university setting
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Akimbekova K.. | ! | University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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