The last century has witnessed a major focus on language teaching as an overall professional section in the education sector. However, the concept “method” was the bottleneck, and the main focus of this concept and consequently got the most attention. This concept represents the practice of teaching as a research-based and systematic set of teaching practices. In a simple definition, you can call it the way of linking theory with practice. Methods are the teaching systems which is usually fixed with the necessary techniques and practices
The last century has witnessed a major focus on language teaching as an overall professional section in the education sector. However, the concept “method” was the bottleneck, and the main focus of this concept and consequently got the most attention. This concept represents the practice of teaching as a research-based and systematic set of teaching practices. In a simple definition, you can call it the way of linking theory with practice. Methods are the teaching systems which is usually fixed with the necessary techniques and practices
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Maxmudova D.. | student | University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences |
2 | Xonboboyeva .. | teacher | University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | [1]Dostert, L. E., Eddy, F. D., Lehmann, W. P., & Marckwardt, A. H. Tradition and Innovation in Language Teaching. The Modern Language Journal, 44(5), 1960. pp.34-39.[2]Nurutdinova, A. R., Perchatkina, V. G., Zinatullina, L. M., Zubkova, G. I., & Galeeva, F. T. Innovative teaching practice: Traditional and alternative methods (Challenges and implications). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10),2016, pp. 3807–3819.[3] by Sanako blog. Language teaching starategies, tips for language teachers. 8 reasons why teachers should use the communicative language teaching., Y. Technology, 2012. and Young Children: Bridging the Communication-Generation Gap. Springer, 2013. |