The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent between 37 and 45°N, 56 and 73°E. Its total area is 447.7 thousand km2, of which 78.8% are plains and 21.2% are mountains and foothills. The territory belongs to the arid zone of Central Asia. Almost four-fifths of the country's territory are located within vast semi-deserts and deserts, bordered from the southeast and east by powerful mountain systems.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent between 37 and 45°N, 56 and 73°E. Its total area is 447.7 thousand km2, of which 78.8% are plains and 21.2% are mountains and foothills. The territory belongs to the arid zone of Central Asia. Almost four-fifths of the country's territory are located within vast semi-deserts and deserts, bordered from the southeast and east by powerful mountain systems.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Rizaeva N.M. | ! | Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute |
2 | Baratova M.B. | ! | Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute |
3 | Aripova N.H. | ! | Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | А.Г. Башура, Н.П. Половко, Е.В. Гладух, Л.С. Петровская, И.И. Баранова, Т.Н. Ковалева, А.С. Зуева // Технология косметических и парфюмерных средств Харьков Издательство НФАУ «Золотые страницы» 2002. Государственная Фармакопея Республики Узбекистан.-II-том, 1 часть.-Ташкент, 2022.-С.25-33.3.Лаас Д. Уход за кожей лица. М.: Аквариум.-1994. -С.282; Матюшина Т.П., Тимофеева Ш.Ю., Краснюк И.И. Лечебно-косметические лосьоны как лекарственная форма // Фармация. -2002. -No3.-С.42.434.Н. Х.Арипова, М.Б.Баратова, Н.М.Ризаева Оптимизация технологии и выбора компонентов косметического геля //Farmatsiya va farmakologiya 2024-No1 -48-53 Б5.Ризaевa Н.., Махмуджонова, К. Разработка состава и технологии геля “Мавстат” // Eurasianjournalofmedicalandnaturalsciences2024.-4(4), 136–144. |