Every day, high technologies are being introduced deeper and deeper into our lives, designed to facilitate human labor, make work done faster and better. One of these technologies is artificial intelligence, designed to solve sometimes very complex problems, from creating so-called “smart homes” to developing plans for automated space flights. Scientists believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence will free us from performing routine tasks in many areas of life. For example, this could have a major impact on medicine. One example of the implementation of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics is the IBM Watson system, which helps make diagnoses in cardiology and oncology. Another example was the Google “DM Health” project, applied in the field of ophthalmology
Every day, high technologies are being introduced deeper and deeper into our lives, designed to facilitate human labor, make work done faster and better. One of these technologies is artificial intelligence, designed to solve sometimes very complex problems, from creating so-called “smart homes” to developing plans for automated space flights. Scientists believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence will free us from performing routine tasks in many areas of life. For example, this could have a major impact on medicine. One example of the implementation of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics is the IBM Watson system, which helps make diagnoses in cardiology and oncology. Another example was the Google “DM Health” project, applied in the field of ophthalmology
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Sadriev N.N. | ! | Samarkand State Medical University |
2 | Sanakulov J.O. | ! | Samarkand State Medical University |
3 | Akhmedov I.N. | ! | Samarkand State Medical University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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