The article analyzes the study and sources of the Bronze Age cultures of the Khorezm oasis in the territory of Uzbekistan, the controversial separation of the Khorezm Bronze Age cultures from the Indo-European pastoral cultures and the role of sources in their study.
The article analyzes the study and sources of the Bronze Age cultures of the Khorezm oasis in the territory of Uzbekistan, the controversial separation of the Khorezm Bronze Age cultures from the Indo-European pastoral cultures and the role of sources in their study.
Maqolada O‘zbekiston hududida Xorazm vohasiga oid bronza davri madaniy xo‘jaliklarning o‘rganilishi va manbalari haqida, Xorazm bronza davri madaniyatlarining bahsli qaraladigan hind- yevropa chorvador madaniyatlaridan ajratilishi va bularni o‘rganishda manbalarning o‘rni
tahlil qilinadi.
В статье анализируются изучение и источники культур бронзового века Хорезмского оазиса на территории Узбекистана, спорное отделение хорезмских культур бронзового века от индоевропейских скотоводческих культур и роль источников в их изучении.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Rustamova H.. | Magist bosqichi talabasi | Urganch davlat universiteti Urganch, O‘zbekiston, |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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