In the article, radionuclides in atmospheric air, radionuclides in natural and underground water, scientific research and scientific research of foreign scientists about the sources of ionizing radiation affecting the human body from medical diagnostic tools and the metrological basis of radiometric determination. Also, the metrological basis of radiometric determination, the results of studies with radionuclides in atmospheric air and natural and underground water are presented. From the analysis of the scientific research works studied by the scientists, the information on measuring the level of alpha and beta radiation in the atmospheric air with a radiometer was studied, mainly the damage caused by radio-technogenic losses was discussed. At the same time, information is given that x-ray diagnostics, which corresponds to approximately 90% of the total medical dose in terms of medical use of all sources of ionizing radiation affecting humans and radiation exposure to the population. From the analysis of the studied scientific research works, the information on measuring the level of alpha and beta radiation in the atmospheric air with a radiometer is presented, mainly the damage caused by radio-technological losses is discussed
In the article, radionuclides in atmospheric air, radionuclides in natural and underground water, scientific research and scientific research of foreign scientists about the sources of ionizing radiation affecting the human body from medical diagnostic tools and the metrological basis of radiometric determination. Also, the metrological basis of radiometric determination, the results of studies with radionuclides in atmospheric air and natural and underground water are presented. From the analysis of the scientific research works studied by the scientists, the information on measuring the level of alpha and beta radiation in the atmospheric air with a radiometer was studied, mainly the damage caused by radio-technogenic losses was discussed. At the same time, information is given that x-ray diagnostics, which corresponds to approximately 90% of the total medical dose in terms of medical use of all sources of ionizing radiation affecting humans and radiation exposure to the population. From the analysis of the studied scientific research works, the information on measuring the level of alpha and beta radiation in the atmospheric air with a radiometer is presented, mainly the damage caused by radio-technological losses is discussed
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Turayev X.X. | ! | Termez State University |
2 | Abdikadirov S.A. | ! | Termez State University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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