This article examines the artistic, scientific and creative work of faith. The author reveals the content of understanding of creativity and the ways to achieve it in the scientific and artistic forms of creativity and their awareness. The concepts of the absolute spirit, the connection between freedom and spirit are considered.The main thing in the creative process is to be in the action of creativity at every subsequent moment of life. All other human actions must come from this creative action. If we take away the state of the creative process from consciousness, then a person cannot meet the requirements that are presented to a person. Any interest in a person’s consciousness must be turned into creative creativity
This article examines the artistic, scientific and creative work of faith. The author reveals the content of understanding of creativity and the ways to achieve it in the scientific and artistic forms of creativity and their awareness. The concepts of the absolute spirit, the connection between freedom and spirit are considered.The main thing in the creative process is to be in the action of creativity at every subsequent moment of life. All other human actions must come from this creative action. If we take away the state of the creative process from consciousness, then a person cannot meet the requirements that are presented to a person. Any interest in a person’s consciousness must be turned into creative creativity
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Masharipova G.. | PhD | Toshkent amaliy fanlar universiteti |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1)Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The spirit of ancient institutions // Literary monuments. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Treatises. M.: Nauka, 1969.2)Toland D. Klidophorus, or about exoteric and esoteric philosophy, that is, about the external appearance and internal content of ancient scientists // English materialists of the 20th century. Collection of works in 3 volumes. T.1.-M., Mysl, 1999.3)Berdyaev N. Self-knowledge // Berdyaev N.A. Self-knowledge. –M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999.4)Salvador Dali. The secret life of Salvador Dali, written by himself // Lives of great artists. –M., 1995. |