In recent years, Uzbekistan has seen major changes in the consumer market associated with the extensive introduction of digitalization in the development of this area of the national economy, which undoubtedly acquires an important promising role in reforming the national economy. In order for the Republic of Uzbekistan to be more open in the world, economy, fundamental reforms are needed in all areas of the economy, including in the field of the consumer market, which is important for a radical transformation of the economy
In recent years, Uzbekistan has seen major changes in the consumer market associated with the extensive introduction of digitalization in the development of this area of the national economy, which undoubtedly acquires an important promising role in reforming the national economy. In order for the Republic of Uzbekistan to be more open in the world, economy, fundamental reforms are needed in all areas of the economy, including in the field of the consumer market, which is important for a radical transformation of the economy
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Rakhmankulov A.B. | ! | Associate Professor of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republicof Uzbekistan |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1.State Program for the Development of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025. URL: of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to ensure support for the consumer market in the real sector of the economy" dated December 31, 2022 No. 288. URL: of Economic Security (State, Region, Enterprise, Individual). Ed. by D.I. Akramov T.: Tashkent Financial Institute, -2023. -438 p.4.Business (open newspaper). No35(1344), 20-27.12, 20235.SadykovA.I. Features of quality management in the consumer market. -T.: Publishing house: "Mehnat". -2023. -380 p. |