This paper compares the themes of transcendence, heaven, and hell in the works of William Wordsworth and Alisher Navoi. Wordsworth’s Romantic poetry emphasizes the soul's transcendence through nature and memory, presenting heaven as a state of spiritual illumination. In contrast, Navoi, a prominent figure in Central Asian Sufism, explores mystical themes of the soul’s purification and ascension toward God, presenting heaven as a metaphor for spiritual union and hell as a state of separation from the divine.This comparative analysis highlights the shared human longing for transcendence and explores how both poets use metaphysical concepts to represent the journey of the soul toward enlightenment

  • Ўқишлар сони 16
  • Нашр санаси 31-12-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони115-119

This paper compares the themes of transcendence, heaven, and hell in the works of William Wordsworth and Alisher Navoi. Wordsworth’s Romantic poetry emphasizes the soul's transcendence through nature and memory, presenting heaven as a state of spiritual illumination. In contrast, Navoi, a prominent figure in Central Asian Sufism, explores mystical themes of the soul’s purification and ascension toward God, presenting heaven as a metaphor for spiritual union and hell as a state of separation from the divine.This comparative analysis highlights the shared human longing for transcendence and explores how both poets use metaphysical concepts to represent the journey of the soul toward enlightenment

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Zakirova N.A. ! Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Ҳавола номи
1 1.Bates, J. (2007). Wordsworth’s poetry: Nature and transcendence. Routledge.2.Eriksen, L. (2009). The transcendent vision: Sufism and poetic metaphor in theworks of Alisher Navoi. Cambridge University Press.3.E. (2012). The mystical and philosophical themes in Alisher Navoi's poetry. Journal of Central Asian Studies, 25(1), 56–73.4.Navoi, A. (1976). Khamsa(The Quintet) (M. K. Kazi, Trans.). Cambridge University Press.5.Navoi, A. (1991). The Journey of the Soul(S. R. Rakhimov, Trans.). Mir Publishers.