The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) and accounting into veterinary education is crucial for equipping students with essential skills for modern veterinary practice. This article highlights the significance of ICT in managing patient records, diagnostics, and communication, as well as the importance of accounting in financial management, budgeting, and inventory control. It also discusses effective teaching methods such as practical training, case studies, and modern technologies. Despite challenges like limited resources and curriculum constraints, strategies such as investing in infrastructure, professional development for educators, and tailored curricula can enhance the learning experience. The integration of ICT and accounting prepares veterinary students to excel as skilled professionals and competent managers in their future careers
The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) and accounting into veterinary education is crucial for equipping students with essential skills for modern veterinary practice. This article highlights the significance of ICT in managing patient records, diagnostics, and communication, as well as the importance of accounting in financial management, budgeting, and inventory control. It also discusses effective teaching methods such as practical training, case studies, and modern technologies. Despite challenges like limited resources and curriculum constraints, strategies such as investing in infrastructure, professional development for educators, and tailored curricula can enhance the learning experience. The integration of ICT and accounting prepares veterinary students to excel as skilled professionals and competent managers in their future careers
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | NASIROV B.M. | Assistant teacher | Samarkand State University |
2 | QO'ZIBAYEVA K.Q. | student | Samarkand State University |
3 | ABDULLAEVA D.B. | student | Samarkand State University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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