Ushbu maqola quyidagi kabi dolzarb masalalarni qamrab oladi: Turizm sektori mamlakat iqtisodiyotiga, iqtisodiyotning turli sohalari bilan o'zaro munosabatlariga, shuningdek, turistik faoliyatni shakllantirishga, uning o'zbek mehmondo'stligi va yuksak darajaga ega bo'lgan O'zbekiston turizm industriyasini rivojlantirish istiqbollariga qanday ta'sir qiladi? ushbu sohani davlat tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlash bilan birga sayyohlik xizmatlarini ko'rsatish sifati.
В данной статье затрагиваются такие насущные вопросы как: Каким образом влияет индустрия туризма на экономику страны, взаимодействия ее с различными сферами экономики, а также формирования туристской деятельности и ее продукта и перспектив развития туристской отрасли в Узбекистане, которая основана на узбекском гостеприимстве и высоком качестве предоставления туристских услуг в совокупности с государственной поддержкой этой сферы.
This article addresses such pressing issues as: How does the tourism industry affect the country's economy, its interaction with various sectors of the economy, as well as the formation of tourism activities and its product and prospects for the development of the tourism industry in Uzbekistan, which is based on Uzbek hospitality and high quality of the provision of tourist services in conjunction with state support of this sphere.
Ushbu maqola quyidagi kabi dolzarb masalalarni qamrab oladi: Turizm sektori mamlakat iqtisodiyotiga, iqtisodiyotning turli sohalari bilan o'zaro munosabatlariga, shuningdek, turistik faoliyatni shakllantirishga, uning o'zbek mehmondo'stligi va yuksak darajaga ega bo'lgan O'zbekiston turizm industriyasini rivojlantirish istiqbollariga qanday ta'sir qiladi? ushbu sohani davlat tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlash bilan birga sayyohlik xizmatlarini ko'rsatish sifati.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Allayeva R.R. | katta o'qituvchisi | Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo'jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti |
2 | Agayeva S.. | talabasi | Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo'jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Tourism". Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2006, No. 14, Article 113 |
2 | 2. President’s Decree No. UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of the tourist potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. |
3 | 3. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for the further support and development of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan”. Collected Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, No. 41–42, P. 478 |
4 | 4. Statistical compendium of the main results of the economic and social development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the years of independence and forecast figures for 2011–2015. –T .: Uzbekistan. uzbekistana_v_cifrah_i_faktah |
5 | 5. Lee D.M. Basics of tourism. Textbook for university students - T: TSEU, 2011. - 160 p. |
6 | 6. |