In this article, all stages on the life cycle of automobile tires and 
technical ISO standards are used to assess. One of the life cycle of the use of tires, 
this time allocated to chemical and mechanical connections. Developing countries 
account the amount of tires in the press and processing methods, as well as used tires 
on the environment and human health impact of information.

  • Ўқишлар сони 373
  • Нашр санаси 01-01-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони11

Ushbu maqolada avtomobil shinalarining texnik hayot siklining 
barcha  davrlarini  baholash  uchun  ISO  standartlaridan  foydalaniladi,  hayot  sikli 
davrlaridan  biri  shinalarni  ishlatish  bo‘lib,  bu  davrda  ajraladigan  kimyoviy  va 
mexanik birikmalar hisoblanadi. Rivojlangan mamlakatlar matbuotlarida hisobdan 
chiqarilgan  shinalar  miqdori  va  ularni  qayta  ishlash  usullari,  hamda  ishlatilgan 
shinalarni  atrof-muhit  va  inson  salomatligiga  ta‘siri  to‘g‘risida  ma‘lumotlar 


 В  этой  статье  использованы  стандарты  ISO  оценивания 
эксплуатационного цикла автомобильных шин, одной из жизненных циклов 
шин  является  эксплуатация,  были  рассчитаны  химические  и  механические 
соединения  выделяющиеся  во  время  эксплуатации  шин.  В  публикациях 
развитых стран приведены сведение о количестве списанных шин и методах 
их переработки, воздействие использованных шин на окружающую среду и 
здоровые человека.


In this article, all stages on the life cycle of automobile tires and 
technical ISO standards are used to assess. One of the life cycle of the use of tires, 
this time allocated to chemical and mechanical connections. Developing countries 
account the amount of tires in the press and processing methods, as well as used tires 
on the environment and human health impact of information.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Karimova K.G. Lecturer, Department of Elevated transport systems JizPI
Ҳавола номи
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2 Zvonov V.A., Kutenev F.V. and others. Disposal of automotive technology // Standards and quality, 2004, №8.
3 Grafkina M.V., Mikhailov V.A., Ivanov K.S. //Ecology and environmental safety of the car. Textbook / M.: FORUM, 2009.
4 Ivanov K.S., Surikov T.B. // Use and recycling of used tires. Reports of the All- Russian Scientific and Technical Conference Modern problems of ecology / Tula.: Innovative technologies, 2009.