
Zhabborova D R

  • Science ID:
  • Research ID:
  • ORCID:
  • Phone number
  • OfficeБухарский инженерно-технологический институт
  • Profession
  • Кўришлар сони1065

Жами нашрлар сони 2
Citation index 2
Hirsch index 0


Сарлавҳа CoAuthors Мақола тили Кўришлар Ўқишлар
The influence of the duration of irrigation of crops on the performance of the product and their processing O‘zbekiston zamini Zhabborova D.R.,
Makhmudov R.A.,
Mazhidov K.K.
O'zbek 553 531
The influence of the duration of irrigation of crops on the performance of the product and their processing “Фан ва технологиялар тараққиёти” Zhabborova D.R.,
Makhmudov R.A.,
Mazhidov K.K.,
Khuzhakulova N.F.
O'zbek 512 492