

  • ISSN нашр2181-2861
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  • ScopusЙўқ
  • РИНЦЙўқ

A new journal entitled Eurasian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences is recently launched by “Innovative Academy RSC” Publisher.Eurasian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences (EJMTCS) is a peer-reviewed open access monthly journal that publishes high-quality original research papers on the development of theories and methods for mathematical, computer and information sciences, the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and software tools for mathematical computation and reasoning, and the integration of mathematics and computer science for scientific and engineering applications.

Bosh muharrir

Abduraxmonov Baxromjon Alisherovich

Toshkent Farmasevtika instituti “Fizika, Matematika va AT” kafedrasi mudiri, Fizika-matematika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent

Mas’ul kotib

Arifjanov Aybek Muxamedjanovich

TIQXMMI «Gidravlika va gidroinformatika» kafedrasi mudiri t.f.d, professor

Ушбу журналнинг нашрлари