Pedagogical innovation enriches the content of education and serves as a means of updating forms, methods, and tools. The introduction of innovation into the educational process is closely linked to the development of 756 computer technology and the use of educational software, including iSpring Suite, is the simplest and best way to evaluate professional competencies of future teachers using ICT tools.
Педагогик инновация таълим мазмунини бойитади ва ўқитиш шакл, усул ва воситаларини янгилаш вазифасини бажаради. Таълим жараѐнига инновацияларнинг кириб келиши компьютер технологиясининг ривожланиши билан узвий боғлиқ бўлиб, ахборот коммуникацион технологиялари воситалари ѐрдамида таълим жараѐнида педагогик дастурий воситалардан фойдаланиш, шу жумладан iSpring Suite дастури имкониятлари бўлажак ўқитувчиларни касбий компетенцияларини баҳолашнинг энг содда ва сифатли усули ҳисобланади.
Педагогические инновации обогащают содержание образования и служат средством обновления форм, методов и инструментов. Внедрение инноваций в учебный процесс тесно связано с развитием компьютерных технологий, и использование образовательного программного обеспечения, в том числе программного обеспечения iSpring Suite, является самым простым и лучшим способом оценки профессиональных компетенций будущих учителей.
Pedagogical innovation enriches the content of education and serves as a means of updating forms, methods, and tools. The introduction of innovation into the educational process is closely linked to the development of 756 computer technology and the use of educational software, including iSpring Suite, is the simplest and best way to evaluate professional competencies of future teachers using ICT tools.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Juraev A. . | Phd student |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Ishmuxammedov R.J. "Ways to Improve Teaching Effectiveness Using Innovative Technologies". Tashkent: 2000. |
2 | . Qodirov B.G., Begimkulov U.Sh., Abdukodirov А.А. "Information technologies". Electronic textbook. 2002. |
3 | . Begimkulov U.Sh. Scientific and theoretical bases of introduction of modern information technologies in pedagogical education. Monograph. -T .: Fan, 2007. |
4 | Juraev A.R. The use of software learning tools for future teachers of computer science to complement professional competencies. Scientific-methodical magazine "Pedagogical skill" № 4/2018. Bukhara 56-60 p. |
5 | Juraev A.R. The use of software learning tools for future teachers of computer science to complement professional competencies. Scientific-methodical magazine "Pedagogical skill" № 4/2018. Bukhara 56-60 p. |
6 | Rakhimov O.D., Turgunov OM, Mustafaev Q.O. Organization of distance learning in higher education. K, 2012. 60 p. |
7 | Abdukadirov А.А. Distance theory theory and practice. Monographs. T. FAN, 2009. 145 p. |
8 | Methods of interactive learning for adults. / Project ―Development of Local Governance in Central Asia. Urban Institute, Tashkent, 2005. 23 p. |
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