This article is devoted to the study of the problem of developing the creative abilities of students through Russian and English language classes and literary reading. The following work includes consideration of issues related to the 584 development of creative abilities of students. In particular, such concepts as creative abilities, creative thinking, divergent thinking are revealed, the features of the development of creative abilities of students are described, the role and place of creative work in the classes of literary reading in Russian and English are defined.

  • Ссылка в интернете http://khorezmscience.uz
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 31-10-2019
  • Количество прочтений 249
  • Дата публикации 03-06-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы583

Ushbu maqola rus va ingliz tili darslari va adabiy o'qish orqali talabalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish muammolarini o'rganishga bag'ishlangan. Ishga talabalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish bilan bog'liq masalalarni ko'rib chiqish kiradi. Xususan, ijodiy qobiliyat, ijodiy fikrlash, turli xil fikrlash tushunchalari, o'quvchilarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish xususiyatlari, rus va ingliz tillarida va adabiy o'qish darslarida ijodiy ishning o'rni aniqlanadi.


Данная статья посвящена исследованию проблемы развития творческих способностей студентов посредством занятий русского и английского языка и литературного чтения. Работа включает рассмотрение вопросов, связанных с развитием творческих способностей учащихся. В частности, в работе раскрыты такие понятия, как творческие способности, творческое мышление, дивергентное мышление, описаны особенности развития творческих способностей учащихся, определена роль и место творческих работ на занятиях литературного чтения и русского и английского языка.


This article is devoted to the study of the problem of developing the creative abilities of students through Russian and English language classes and literary reading. The following work includes consideration of issues related to the 584 development of creative abilities of students. In particular, such concepts as creative abilities, creative thinking, divergent thinking are revealed, the features of the development of creative abilities of students are described, the role and place of creative work in the classes of literary reading in Russian and English are defined.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Xaydarova I.A. Lecturer Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
Название ссылки
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