The present research works at the Andijan Municipal Water Treatment Plant Joint Stock Company recommendations were made to use Pistia Telezorovid, a high-water plant, to effectively neutralize the waste water in order to improve the biological treatment of communal waste water, which is the main treatment.

  • Количество прочтений 200
  • Дата публикации 01-01-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы117-124

Mazkur tadqiqot ishida ―Andijon shahar Suv Oqova tozalash inshooti‖ aktsiyadorlik jamiyatida asosiy tozalashga kelayotgan shahar kommunal oqova suvlarini biologik tozalash usullarini takomollashtirish maqsadida, yuksak suv o‘simliklaridan Pistia Telezorovidni qo‘llash oqova suvlarni tarkibini zararsizlantirishda samara berishi bo‘yicha takliflar berilgan.


В настоящем исследовании акционерному обществу "Андижанская городская водоочистная станция" были предложены предложения по применению Pistia Telezorovid из высоководных растений для биологической очистки городских сточных вод, которая станет основной очистительной установкой.


The present research works at the Andijan Municipal Water Treatment Plant Joint Stock Company recommendations were made to use Pistia Telezorovid, a high-water plant, to effectively neutralize the waste water in order to improve the biological treatment of communal waste water, which is the main treatment.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Kuchkarova C.H. Ph.D Andijan Machine Building Institute
Название ссылки
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