Recently, in the face of increasing attention to the tourist potential of developing and high-developed countries, thousands of works devoted to the theory of competition and the problems of ensuring the competitiveness of tourism enterprises in these regions. An indispensable condition for the tourist market is the fact that the implication of tourism product in a competitive environment based on the development of innovation allows certain competitive advantages in the long term. In the article – the concept of innovative tourism product as a prerequisite for competitiveness in the market of tourist services. It describes the factors of competitiveness of innovative tourism product. Thus, tourism product innovation is to promote tourism industry sustained and healthy development of the fundamental driving force. The article also illustrates the core principles of tourism product innovation.

  • Количество прочтений 201
  • Дата публикации 01-01-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы536-548

So‘nggi vaqtlarda, rivojlanayotgan va rivojlangan mamlakatlarning sayyohlik salohiyatiga e'tibor kuchayishi natijasida, ushbu hududlarda turizm korxonalarining raqobatbardoshligini ta'minlashga va raqobat nazariyasiga bag‘ishlab minglab loyihalar amalga oshirildi. rivojlanishga asoslangan raqobat muhitida Turistik bozor uchun qulay shart-sharoit yaratish, innovatsion turizm mahsulotini joriy etish uzoq muddatli istiqbolda ma'lum raqobatbardosh afzalliklarga ega bo'lishiga olib keladi. Maqolada - turistik xizmatlar bozorida raqobatbardoshlik uchun innovatsion turizm mahsuloti kontseptsiyasi. Innovatsion turizm mahsulotining raqobatbardoshlik omillarini tavsiflaydi. Shunday qilib, sayyohlik mahsuloti innovasiyasi sayyohlik sanoatini asosiy harakatlantiruvchi kuchning barqaror va sog'lom rivojlanishini rag'batlantirishdan iborat. Maqolada, shuningdek, turizm mahsulotlari innovatsiyalarining asosiy printsiplari ham ko'rsatilgan.


В последнее время перед лицом растущего внимания к туристическому потенциалу развивающихся и высокоразвитых стран, тысячи работ, посвященных теории конкуренции и проблемам обеспечения конкурентоспособности туристических предприятий в этих регионах. Необходимым условием для туристического рынка является тот факт, что реализация туристического продукта в конкурентной среде, основанная на развитии инноваций, позволяет в долгосрочной перспективе получить определенные конкурентные преимущества. В статье - концепция инновационного туристического продукта как предпосылка для конкурентоспособности на рынке туристических услуг. В нем описываются факторы конкурентоспособности инновационного туристического продукта. Таким образом, инновации в сфере туризма - это содействие устойчивому и здоровому развитию туристической индустрии фундаментальной движущей силы. В статье также показаны основные принципы инноваций в сфере туризма.


Recently, in the face of increasing attention to the tourist potential of developing and high-developed countries, thousands of works devoted to the theory of competition and the problems of ensuring the competitiveness of tourism enterprises in these regions. An indispensable condition for the tourist market is the fact that the implication of tourism product in a competitive environment based on the development of innovation allows certain competitive advantages in the long term. In the article – the concept of innovative tourism product as a prerequisite for competitiveness in the market of tourist services. It describes the factors of competitiveness of innovative tourism product. Thus, tourism product innovation is to promote tourism industry sustained and healthy development of the fundamental driving force. The article also illustrates the core principles of tourism product innovation.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Usmanova .. Assistant Professor the Department of Personnel Management
2 Shamsiev J.. Student Faculty of Economics and Business
Название ссылки
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