• Количество прочтений 252
  • Дата публикации 30-08-2020
  • Язык статьиO'zbek
  • Страницы26-34
Ключевые слова

The semantic signs of the term «subscriber» and the peculiarities of its use in librarianship in Ukraine in the middle of the year are XIX – at the beginning XX century analyzed. The main historical factors influencing the formation of the content of this concept, in particular, in connection with the development of the activity of commercial libraries, are described. The author proposed the definition of the term «subscriber» based on the study of the specifics of its use in public bookkeeping and analysis of the payment of library services. The peculiarities of formation and tendencies of the cost of payment for the use of publications in public book-keeping collections of the specified period are also researched.

Ключевые слова
Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 SOKOLOV V.. главный библиотекарь Национальной библиотеки Украины имени Ярослава Мудрого
Название ссылки
1 1. Абрамов К. И. Коммерческие библиотеки // Библиотечная энциклопедия. М.: Пашков дом, 2007. С. 514–515.
2 2. Abramov, K. I. (2007). Kommercheskie biblioteki [Commercial Libraries]. Bibliotechnaia entciklopediia. M.: Pashkov dom, 514–- 515. [in Russian].
3 3. Dvorkina, M. (2007). Podpischik [Subscriber]. Bibliotechnaia entciklopediia. M.: Pashkov dom, p. 803. [in Russian].
4 4. Karoieva, T. R. (2016). Pro zdatnist publichnykh bibliotek Podilskoi hubernii zadovolniaty chytatskyi popyt naselennia na pochatku XX st. [About the ability of public libraries in the Podillya province to meet the reader's demand of the population at the beginning of the XX century.]. Bibliotechna sprava na Podilli: istoriia i suchasnist: materialy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, m.Kam'ianets-Podilskyi, 21 chervnia 2016 r
5 5. Hapchenko P. B., Zvorskyi S. L., Liubarenko L. M., Mastypan O. O. (1996). Litopys Natsionalnoi parlamentskoi biblioteky Ukrainy. Ch. 1: 1866 – liutyi 1917 r. [Chronicle of the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine. Ch. 1: 1866 – February 1917]. Kiev, 137 p.
6 6. Luchka, L. (2015). Pershi biblioteky Katerynoslava [The first libraries of Yekaterinoslav]. Prydniprov'ia: istoryko-kraieznavchi doslidzhennia. 13, 146–153. [in Ukrainian].
7 7. Luchka, L. Vid Publichnoi do Miskoi hromadskoi: storinky istorii Dnipropetrovskoi oblasnoi universalnoi naukovoi biblioteky [From Public to City Public: History pages of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Universal Scientific Library]. URL: https://gorod.dp.ua/history/article_ru.php?article=1357. [in Ukrainian].
8 8. Matveev, M. Iu. (2012). Publichnye i narodnye biblioteki v Rossiiskoi imperii v 1850- –1860-kh gg. [Public and folk libraries in the Russian Empire in the 1850–1860's.]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kultury. 4(13), 114–121. [in Russian].
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