The article deals with the poet and statesmen who lived and worked in Khorezm in the XIV-XX centuries, investigates the scientific activity of the Orientalists, who studied the cultural life of this historical epoch. The findings of rare manuscripts reflected in the works of A.N. Samoylovich are summarized and given real facts about literary environment.

  • Количество прочтений 241
  • Дата публикации 03-06-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы100

Maqolada Xorazmda XIV-XX asrlarda yashagan va faoliyat olib borgan shoirlar va davlat arboblari, ushbu tarixiy davrning madaniy hayotini o'rgangan sharqshunoslarning ilmiy faoliyati o'rganilgan. A.N. Samoilovichning nodir qo'lyozmalarining topilmalari, adabiy muhit haqida haqiqiy faktlarni umumlashtiradi va taqdim etadi.


В статье рассматриваются поэты и государственные деятели, которые жили и работали в Хорезме в XIV-XX веках, изучается научная деятельность востоковедов, изучавших культурную жизнь этой исторической эпохи. Находки редких рукописей отраженные в работах А.Н. Самойловичa обобщены и приведены реальные факты о литературной среде


The article deals with the poet and statesmen who lived and worked in Khorezm in the XIV-XX centuries, investigates the scientific activity of the Orientalists, who studied the cultural life of this historical epoch. The findings of rare manuscripts reflected in the works of A.N. Samoylovich are summarized and given real facts about literary environment.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Adambaeva .K. Lecturer, Department of Languages Urgench branch of Tashkent medical academy
Название ссылки
1 [1]. H.Vamberi ―Gagataishe Sprachstudien‖ Lpz., 1878.
2 [2]. Vamberi H. ―Zwei moderne central-asiatishe‖ Dichter //WZKM.1892.Bd.VI.
3 [3]. Hartman M. ―Der Divan Huveydas‖ // MSOS.1902.VII.2
4 [4]. A.N. Samoylovich ―Türkic linguistics‖. Philology. Runika. M.2005
5 [5]. A.N. Samoylovich. ―A brief report on a trip to Bukhara and the Khiva khanate sent by St. Petersburg University and the Russian committee private associate professor A.N. Samoylovich in 1908‖ // IRKSA. №9.S.15-29.
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