In the article the types, quantity, harmfulness and annual herbicides of annual and perennial weeds are presented, found on mung-bean crops in Surkhandarya regions, Stomp 33% emulsion concentration – 2,5 l/h 86,1% of annual weeds while applying, 79,4% perennial weeds, Shansgard suspension concentration 500 g/l to 4,0 l/ha 88,1% of annual weeds and 77,1% of perennial weeds have been reported to achieve biological efficiencies of under moderate use.
In the article the types, quantity, harmfulness and annual herbicides of annual and perennial weeds are presented, found on mung-bean crops in Surkhandarya regions, Stomp 33% emulsion concentration – 2,5 l/h 86,1% of annual weeds while applying, 79,4% perennial weeds, Shansgard suspension concentration 500 g/l to 4,0 l/ha 88,1% of annual weeds and 77,1% of perennial weeds have been reported to achieve biological efficiencies of under moderate use.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Sattorov S.. | таянч докторант | ЎҲҚИТИ |
2 | Isamidinov I.. | лаборатория мудири, қ.х.ф.н., катта илмий ходим | ЎҲҚИТИ |
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