Improving students' mathematical knowledge creates the characteristics of overcoming problematic situations, developing their intellectual skills and leading them to deep and perfect knowledge. It is the duty of every professor-teacher to develop mathematical and logical thinking of students studying in the field of agriculture and to teach mathematical problems of practical type in its application in practice
Improving students' mathematical knowledge creates the characteristics of overcoming problematic situations, developing their intellectual skills and leading them to deep and perfect knowledge. It is the duty of every professor-teacher to develop mathematical and logical thinking of students studying in the field of agriculture and to teach mathematical problems of practical type in its application in practice
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Egamberdieva B.G. | student | Agricultural and Agrotechnology Institute of Andijan |
2 | Zulfikharov I.M. | student | Agricultural and Agrotechnology Institute of Andijan |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. З.Запаров, Б.Эгамбердиева. Адаптивная система обучения // Перспективы развития науки и образования в современных экологических условиях, стр. 1054-1056, 2017. |
2 | 2 У.Мирхамидов, Б.Эгамбердиева. Корреляционный анализ количественных переменных при оценивании знания студентов // Актуальная наука, №12, стр 29-31, 2019. |
3 | 3. Б.Эгамбердиева У.Мирхамидов, Экономико-математическая модель выбора оптимальной схемы и типа хлопкового севооборота, Естественнонаучный журнал «Точная нака», том№66, 2019 год |
4 | 4. Н.Каримов, Б.Эгамбердиева, Н.Неъматов. Некоторые вопросы автоматизированных обучающих систем, www., стр. 76, 2018 |
5 | 5. Ilhomjon M.Zulfiharov Methods of Organizing Mathematics Classes // Eastern European Scientific Journal // AURIS – Dusseldorf-Germany, 2018. –№ 3. –P.345- 349. |
6 | 6. Ilkhom Makhmudovich Zulfikharov, Ibaydullaev Tulanboy Methods of effective organization of teaching of mathematics by using the problem-based teaching // International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science. –9(21).2019. – P.9-13. –Warsaw, Poland, 2019. |
7 | 7. Zaparov, Z., Jo„raqulov, R. (2021). O„qitishda tajribalar: soddalik va qiziqarlilik. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 2(2). 700-706 |
8 | 8. Toshpulatov, D., Nosirov, B., & Khalmatov, T. (2021). Gradual Implementation of Smart Management Principles in The Higher Education System of Uzbekistan. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(1). 22- 29. |
9 | 9. PA Xakimov, DS Toshpo„latov. (2021). Blended learning asosida o„quv jarayonini tashkil etish masalalariga doir. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(4). 209- 215 |