The article illustrates some effective and essential trends of teaching foreign language. Furthermore, it discusses the most effective teaching strategies during the lesson of foreign language paying attention to the vocabulary teaching

  • Название журналаARES
  • Номер выпускаVolume 2, Issue 6
  • Количество просмотров 56
  • Количество прочтений 56
  • Дата публикации 21-03-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы782-786

The article illustrates some effective and essential trends of teaching foreign language. Furthermore, it discusses the most effective teaching strategies during the lesson of foreign language paying attention to the vocabulary teaching

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Yuldasheva D.A. A senior teacher Kokand state pedagogical institute, Department of Interfaculty Foreign Languages
Название ссылки
1 1. Aitchinson, J. 1987. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell
2 2. Carter, R. A. and M. J. McCarthy. 1988. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. London: Longman
3 3. Channell, J. 1981. ‗Applying semantic theory to vocabulary teaching‘. ELT Journal 35/2: 115-22.
4 4. Clark, J. M. and A. Paivio. 1991. ‗Dual coding theory and education‘. Educational Psychology Review
5 5. Hague, S. A. 1987. Vocabulary Instruction: What L2 can learn from L1. Foreign Language Annals 20/3: 217-25
6 6. Haynes, M. and I. Baker. 1993. American and Chinese readers learning from lexical familiarization in English text. In T. Huckin, M. Haynes and J. Coady (Eds.) Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning: 130-52. Norwood, N.J.:Ablex Publishing Corporation
7 7. Resnick, L.B. 1989. Knowing, Learning, and Instruction. Hilldale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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