It is no secret that speaking English, grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension is the surest way to develop any knowledge and skills that belong to the English language in general, reading and constantly working on oneself. But there are other ways to improve your English language skills. You can improve your English knowledge up to ten times. This article discusses the importance and role of reading comprehension in the study of foreign languages.
It is no secret that speaking English, grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension is the surest way to develop any knowledge and skills that belong to the English language in general, reading and constantly working on oneself. But there are other ways to improve your English language skills. You can improve your English knowledge up to ten times. This article discusses the importance and role of reading comprehension in the study of foreign languages.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Rustamova S.E. | teacher | Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Toshkent region |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. Тажибаев, С. С., & Серебряков, Ю. В. (2015). Динамика общей и специальной физической подготовленности боксеров юношей, занимающихся боксом на этапе начальной спортивной специализации. Молодой ученый, (2), 109-111 |
2 | 2. Tajibayev, S. S. (2016). Use of innovative technologies in registration and processing of indicators of special efficiency of athletes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol, 4(2). |
3 | 3. Алиев, И. Б. (2020). Курашчиларнинг мусобака олди тайѐргарлик боскичларидаги толикиш белгиларини турли х, ажмдаги таъсирига караб юкламаларни таксимлаш. Фан-спортга,(2), 42-45. |
4 | 4. GAZIEV, S. (2020). Systematic planning of special power training of sambo in the year round. Фан-Cпортга, (3), 7-9. |
5 | 5. ИЛОВ, А. (2020). Шарқона яккакураш спорт турлари билан шуғулланувчиларда меъѐрлаштирилган махсус машқларни бажариш тезлиги ва унинг гипоксик қиймати (каратэ мисолида). Фан-Cпортга, (1), 65-68. |