This scientific research deals with the problems of teaching foreign language at an early age. The beginning of the article is about conditions in preschool system in Uzbekistan and the importance of learning foreign language in the life of children, as the process of learning is much easier in this period of life, as baby brain have special skills for second language learning. The sequential item is dedicated to the history of kindergartens, their names in different countries of the world. The main part of the article gives the information about opinions of the world scientists and their experiments in the field of teaching foreign language at an early age. The article also dedicated to point out the importance of an interesting and effective method of teaching which is called game in the educational activities of pupils that can be used at any stage of language learning. It is important in education, training and development of children as a means of psychological preparation for future situations providing the opportunity to think logically because game situations demand the usage of various objects, and the players have to interact with each other. Playing roles and communicating children try to understand others and explain themselves. Games motivate language learners to study a foreign language and behavior.

  • Название журналаARES
  • Номер выпускаVolume 2, Issue 1
  • Количество просмотров 40
  • Количество прочтений 40
  • Дата публикации 21-03-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы1/646-652

This scientific research deals with the problems of teaching foreign language at an early age. The beginning of the article is about conditions in preschool system in Uzbekistan and the importance of learning foreign language in the life of children, as the process of learning is much easier in this period of life, as baby brain have special skills for second language learning. The sequential item is dedicated to the history of kindergartens, their names in different countries of the world. The main part of the article gives the information about opinions of the world scientists and their experiments in the field of teaching foreign language at an early age. The article also dedicated to point out the importance of an interesting and effective method of teaching which is called game in the educational activities of pupils that can be used at any stage of language learning. It is important in education, training and development of children as a means of psychological preparation for future situations providing the opportunity to think logically because game situations demand the usage of various objects, and the players have to interact with each other. Playing roles and communicating children try to understand others and explain themselves. Games motivate language learners to study a foreign language and behavior.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Mamadayupova V.. Senior teacher Tashkent State University of La
Название ссылки
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