• Количество прочтений 292
  • Дата публикации 05-04-2022
  • Язык статьиO'zbek
  • Страницы67-72
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Objective: In studying the technological process of separation of soybean seeds from pods and stems, it is important to know the moisture and hardness of pods and stems. Therefore, determine the moisture content and hardness of shade pods and stems.

Methods: In experiments, the moisture content of soybean stem with a length of 800-1100 mm was measured on an EV-2K electronic humidity meter every 100 mm interval. The dampness of the shade was carried out using an EV-2K power meter that measures humidity. Before changing the scales, their display is checked. The sharpened part of the needle in the direction of the stem fibers is completely immersed in it. To make the result more accurate, the measurement is repeated several times and averaged. In the experiments, 10 stems were taken from the beginning, middle and end of the field, and the height of the stems was 80-120 cm. The moisture content of each 100 mm piece was determined from the root collar to the tip of soybean stems.

Results. The results is shown that the density of legume soybean stems averaged 85.6 kg/m3 when maximum value was 92.3 kg/m3 and the minimum value was 81.5 kg/m3.

Conclusion. The result of determining the density of legume soybean stems can be used to theoretically substantiate the performance of the device and to establish other laws of the technological process. Based on the physical and mechanical properties of leguminous stems, their transmission is provided by a continuous descent from the sloping part of the tray to the vertical part, when the angle of inclination of its sloping part relative to the horizontal plane is greater than 33-35°.

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Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Tukhtabayev M.A. dotsent Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute
2 Pardayev O.R. katta o'qituvchi JizPI
Название ссылки
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