The article analyzes the role of the Hanafiyya and Maturidiyya in the spread of Sufism in Mawarannahr, early
representatives of Sufism in this area, different tariqahs which were active in the region as well as their views based
on the works by themselves. The article also represents the importance of Sufism in society in today’s Uzbekistan and
shows its peculiarities. For centuries, the Hanafiyya was popular among the jurisprudential sects and the doctrinal
issues were solved on the Maturidiyya teachings in Mawarannahr. Therefore, the Sufism of Mawarannahr was based
on the principles of Imam Maturidi in doctrinal issues. Sufism played an important role in the lives of Muslims in the
region. Especially during the Mongol invasion and after the 13th century, the influence of Sufi sheikhs, who emerged
as the successors of the Hanafi scholars, intensified. According to the article, the Sufis of Mawarannahr followed the
tariqahs of Yassaviyya, Naqshbandiyya, and Qadiriyya for centuries, but they strictly adhered to the principles of
Hanafiyya in Fiqh and Maturidiyya in Aqeedah.

  • Количество прочтений 0
  • Дата публикации 20-05-2021
  • Язык статьиO'zbek
  • Страницы12-24
Ключевые слова

The article analyzes the role of the Hanafiyya and Maturidiyya in the spread of Sufism in Mawarannahr, early
representatives of Sufism in this area, different tariqahs which were active in the region as well as their views based
on the works by themselves. The article also represents the importance of Sufism in society in today’s Uzbekistan and
shows its peculiarities. For centuries, the Hanafiyya was popular among the jurisprudential sects and the doctrinal
issues were solved on the Maturidiyya teachings in Mawarannahr. Therefore, the Sufism of Mawarannahr was based
on the principles of Imam Maturidi in doctrinal issues. Sufism played an important role in the lives of Muslims in the
region. Especially during the Mongol invasion and after the 13th century, the influence of Sufi sheikhs, who emerged
as the successors of the Hanafi scholars, intensified. According to the article, the Sufis of Mawarannahr followed the
tariqahs of Yassaviyya, Naqshbandiyya, and Qadiriyya for centuries, but they strictly adhered to the principles of
Hanafiyya in Fiqh and Maturidiyya in Aqeedah.

Ключевые слова
Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Ibrohim U.. Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Docent Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
Название ссылки
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