Annotation: The article discusses the importance of forming the universal and popular library fund, and the use of scientometric methods in assessing its quality. The basic concepts of scientometrics and scientometric tools are presented, as well as the results of information support research in leading Western countries. The role of information and library institutions and their specialists in the acquisition of the library fund, providing access to resources, organizing support and training of users for their effective use in educational and scientific activities is shown. The issues of the competence of qualified specialists of modern libraries and the development of new methods and means of information and library services are considered. The author proposes a number of recommendations for improving the efficiency of information and library services.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | PAZILOVA N.. | илмий бўлими раҳбари | «e-Line Press» МЧЖ |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. Рахматуллаев М.А., Ғаниева Б.И., Салаева Й.У. Илмметрия асослари. Тошкент: Алоқачи, 2021. |
2 | 2. Пазилова Н.А. Роль библиотек в повышении качества научных исследований и диссертационных работ. Central Asia-2021 халқаро анжуман материаллари. Алишер Навоий номидаги Ўзбекистон миллий кутубхонаси. Тошкент, 2021. |