Objective. Carrying out of experimental researches in the electric sorting device of mug seeds and analysis of the obtained results.
Methods. Experimental studies on the sorting of mug seeds were carried out in four repetitions in a laboratory version of a developed electric sorting device.
Results. In recent years, research has led to the development of an electrical device for sorting moss seeds. The results obtained showed that as the value of the voltage applied to the electrodes increased, the angle of separation of the seeds into fractions and the change in seed mass were observed. For example, an average of 65 g of mass of 1000 mug seeds was observed, ie when a voltage of 3000 V was applied to the electrodes, a mug seed of 30 mg broke at an angle of 90º10 ° from the working surface, while a mug seed of 80 mg broke at an angle of 76º50΄. when a voltage of 4000 V is applied to the electrodes, the mug seeds with a mass of 40 mg are disconnected at an angle of 86 ° 58 'from the surface of the workpiece, while when a voltage of around 5000 V is applied to the electrodes, they are disconnected at an angle of 91 ° 59'. Based on the results obtained, it was found that if we assume that mug seeds with a mass of less than 40 mg are of poor quality and unsuitable for sowing, the electrodes in the proposed electrical device require a voltage of around 4000 V to sort the mug seeds.
Conclusion. By increasing the value of the unevenly distributed voltage applied to the electrodes, it is possible to change the amount of separation into seed and technical fraction and the mass of 1000 seeds, as well as to control the technological process in the proposed electrical device. this allows you to sort the mug seeds in the proposed device and get quality seeds.
Objective. Carrying out of experimental researches in the electric sorting device of mug seeds and analysis of the obtained results.
Methods. Experimental studies on the sorting of mug seeds were carried out in four repetitions in a laboratory version of a developed electric sorting device.
Results. In recent years, research has led to the development of an electrical device for sorting moss seeds. The results obtained showed that as the value of the voltage applied to the electrodes increased, the angle of separation of the seeds into fractions and the change in seed mass were observed. For example, an average of 65 g of mass of 1000 mug seeds was observed, ie when a voltage of 3000 V was applied to the electrodes, a mug seed of 30 mg broke at an angle of 90º10 ° from the working surface, while a mug seed of 80 mg broke at an angle of 76º50΄. when a voltage of 4000 V is applied to the electrodes, the mug seeds with a mass of 40 mg are disconnected at an angle of 86 ° 58 'from the surface of the workpiece, while when a voltage of around 5000 V is applied to the electrodes, they are disconnected at an angle of 91 ° 59'. Based on the results obtained, it was found that if we assume that mug seeds with a mass of less than 40 mg are of poor quality and unsuitable for sowing, the electrodes in the proposed electrical device require a voltage of around 4000 V to sort the mug seeds.
Conclusion. By increasing the value of the unevenly distributed voltage applied to the electrodes, it is possible to change the amount of separation into seed and technical fraction and the mass of 1000 seeds, as well as to control the technological process in the proposed electrical device. this allows you to sort the mug seeds in the proposed device and get quality seeds.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Umarov Q.. | O'QITUVCHI | NamQI |
2 | Makhmudov N.. | tadqiqotchi | ҚХМИТИ |
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