The period of formation of the mahalla in Uzbekistan goes back centuries, and it is also known as the world’s rarest institution of self-government. The mahalla has its own philosophical aspects: the location of the mahalla, natural conditions, dynamics of social activity, resources, organization of labor relations, employment, low-income population, which have not yet been fully studied. The main goal is to scientifically substantiate the role of our mahallas on the expanded reforms carried out by our state, which is the backbone of our national ideology, a place of education, a source of kindness, a cradle of good. In particular, the inclusion of women in local government and public oversight commissions is important. The article provides some detailed comments and suggestions on these issues.

  • Количество прочтений 120
  • Дата публикации 15-01-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы58-63

The period of formation of the mahalla in Uzbekistan goes back centuries, and it is also known as the world’s rarest institution of self-government. The mahalla has its own philosophical aspects: the location of the mahalla, natural conditions, dynamics of social activity, resources, organization of labor relations, employment, low-income population, which have not yet been fully studied. The main goal is to scientifically substantiate the role of our mahallas on the expanded reforms carried out by our state, which is the backbone of our national ideology, a place of education, a source of kindness, a cradle of good. In particular, the inclusion of women in local government and public oversight commissions is important. The article provides some detailed comments and suggestions on these issues.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Toshtemirova Z.M. Assistant Department of economics and social sciences, University of economics and pedagogy, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Название ссылки
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