The article researches the fact that phraseological units are considered in three directions: as part of the semantic, structured, expressive stylistic system, the basis of the formation of which are different linguistic processes. Phraseological expressions are only phrases with literal the value of the components. The phraseological expressions include numerous English proverbs and sayings that apply in the literal sense, do not have a figurative allegorical meaning The subject of the article is semantic and structural properties, phraseological units, with the meaning of human intelligence. Article also provides the study the concept of "phraseological unit" and its main characteristics, consider the existing classifications of phraseological units.

  • Количество прочтений 34
  • Дата публикации 05-02-2024
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы93-100

The article researches the fact that phraseological units are considered in three directions: as part of the semantic, structured, expressive stylistic system, the basis of the formation of which are different linguistic processes. Phraseological expressions are only phrases with literal the value of the components. The phraseological expressions include numerous English proverbs and sayings that apply in the literal sense, do not have a figurative allegorical meaning The subject of the article is semantic and structural properties, phraseological units, with the meaning of human intelligence. Article also provides the study the concept of "phraseological unit" and its main characteristics, consider the existing classifications of phraseological units.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Xamzayev A.A. Senior Teacher of the chair of foreign languages among the social and humanitarian sciences Jizakh State pedagogical university
Название ссылки
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