Ushbu maqolada keltirilgan materiallar talabaga onson texnik yechimlar va har bir mavzuga alohida xavfsizlik texnikasi yо‘riqnomalari bilan boyitilgan. chilangarlik ishlarining malaka tafsifida ko‘zda tutilgan ishlarni bajarish texnikasi va texnologiyasining asoslarini egallash, foydalaniladigan jihoz, moslama va asboblarni ishlatishni o‘rganish, ishlab chiqarishni ilmiy asosda tashkil etish, mehnatni muhofaza qilish va texnika havfsizligi qoidalariga rioya qilish bo‘yicha ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga bilim va ko‘nikmalar berishga mo‘ljallangan.
Ushbu maqolada keltirilgan materiallar talabaga onson texnik yechimlar va har bir mavzuga alohida xavfsizlik texnikasi yо‘riqnomalari bilan boyitilgan. chilangarlik ishlarining malaka tafsifida ko‘zda tutilgan ishlarni bajarish texnikasi va texnologiyasining asoslarini egallash, foydalaniladigan jihoz, moslama va asboblarni ishlatishni o‘rganish, ishlab chiqarishni ilmiy asosda tashkil etish, mehnatni muhofaza qilish va texnika havfsizligi qoidalariga rioya qilish bo‘yicha ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga bilim va ko‘nikmalar berishga mo‘ljallangan.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Abdullayev A.N. | kafedrasi dotsenti, Toshkent sh | Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti “Texnologik ta’lim metodikasi” |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Abdullayev, A. (2023). METHODS OF PROBLEM SOLVING IN THEORETICAL MECHANICS COURSES. International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology, 3(9), 282-287. Abdullayev, AN (2023). Machine and mechanism theory of machine and mechanism design and research general methods . "Innovative solutions to technical, engineering and technological problems of production" International scientific and technical conference October 28-29, 2022, 829-833. Abdullayev, AN (2023). Methodology of problem solving in practical lessons from applied mechanics. Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities Open Access | Peer Reviewed | Conference Proceedings Volume 1, 1st October 2022 . 75-79 Abdullayev, AN (2023). Pedagogical Description of the Formation of Professional Competence in Students of a Higher Education Institution . Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): AJSHR March 9, 2023 . American journal ajshr , "Global Research Network LLC" ISSN: 2690-9626 (online), Published by "Global Research Network LLC" under Volume: 4 Issue: 2 in Feb-2023 https://globalresearchnetwork .us/ index.php / ajshr Abdullayev, AN (2023). Methodology of labor education as one of the branches of pedagogy . pedagogical sciences and teaching methods conference . Copenhagen "Science Edition" 17 February 2023 . Abdullayev, AN (2023). Methodology of problem solving in technical mechanics classes. Scientific electronic magazine "Science and Education". Volume 4 Issue 4 _yMqytgpgj1/view?usp=share_link . ISSN 2181-0842 . APRIL 2023 . 684-688 Abdullayev.A.N “АМАЛИЙ МЕХАНИКАДАН АМАЛИЙ МАШҒУЛОТЛАРДА МУАММОЛИ МАСАЛА ЕЧИШ УСЛУБИЁТИ” In an international Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities,Published online E-Conference Series,Hosted online from Plano,Texas,USA. Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities Open Access | Peer Reviewed | Conference Proceedings Volume1, 1st October 2022 75-79 padgs Abdullayev.A.N “Pedagogical Description of the Formation of Professional Competence in Students of a Higher Education Institution” AMERICAN JOURNALAJSHR, “Global Research Network LLC. Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): AJSHR March 9, 2023. ISSN: 2690-9626 (online), Published by “Global Research Network LLC" under Volume: 4 Issue: 2 in Feb-2023 Abdullayev.A.N “Methodology of labor education as one of the branches of pedagogy” pedagogical sciences and teaching methods conference. Copenhagen "Science Edition" 17 February 2023 Abdullayev.A.N “Техник механика машғулотларида масала ечиш услубиёти” "Science and Education" илмий электрон журнал. Volume 4 Issue 4 сони ISSN 2181-0842 APRIL 2023 684-688 pages Abdullayev.A.N “ Mashina detallari mashg’ulotlarida masala yechish uslubiyoti” "Science and Education" илмий электрон журнал. ISSN 2181-0842 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 MAY 2023 666-670 pades Abdullayev.A.N, Talaba Javohir Rizamat o’g’li Ahmadov “Texnik ijodkorlik va dizayn fanida texnologik xarita tuzishni о’rgatish uslubiyoti” "Science and Education" илмий электрон журнал. ISSN 2181-0842 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 MAY 2023 863-867 pades Abdullayev.A.N “maxsus fanlarnі o`qіtіshnіng professіonal ta`lіm tіzіmіdagі ahamіyatі” Analytical Journal of Education and Development. Volume: 03 Issue: 05 May- 2023 ISSN: 2181-2624 145-147 pades Абдуқодиров.Г.М, Болтабоев.С.А Abdullayev.A.N “technology of organization of educational workshops of technological education” European Chemical Bulletin Scops Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue8),255-261 pages |